United High School - Class of 2020 Commencement! Congrats to you all!
#ThankUMrsHorner #BeUnited
Exciting News! Jamieson Center of Monmouth is providing a summer lunch program to Kirkwood and Alexis as well as its Monmouth sites this summer. Check out the flyer to get all the details! Thank you JCC for thinking of the United community! #BeUnited
United High School Pride Night - with links this time. #BeUnited #inahurry
United High School Pride Night - You Tube version - just in case! #BeUnited #somanyversions
United Pride Night - Virtual Style (You Tube link will be available soon)
https://www.wevideo.com/view/1715899318 United Pride Night May 20, 2020
Hope you enjoy! #BeUnited #2020thingswedo
Exciting News! Jamieson Center of Monmouth is providing a summer lunch program to Kirkwood and Alexis as well as its Monmouth sites this summer. Check out the flyer to get all the details! Thank you JCC for thinking of the United community! #BeUnited
United 304 Students and Parents --- Don't forget Material return and pick up is Tuesday from 8-4 and Wednesday from 10-6!
Exciting News! Jamieson Center of Monmouth is providing a summer lunch program to Kirkwood and Alexis as well as its Monmouth sites this summer. Check out the flyer to get all the details! Thank you JCC for thinking of the United community! #BeUnited
Oops! Almost forgot our final Meal Distribution Order Form! Please sign up for Monday May 18th Meal Distribution. Sorry for the delay with the form. Have a great summer! #BeUnited #FoodserviceHeroes
Meet the United High School Class of 2020! #BeUnited @Sandburg
Prairie Radio Communications will be broadcasting an "audio" graduation ceremony celebrating the UHS class of 2020 on Friday May 15 at 3PM Tell everyone to listen in, and then come celebrate our senior night lights at 8 PM at UHS- Drive thru style. #BeUnited
Exciting News! Jamieson Center of Monmouth is providing a summer lunch program to Kirkwood and Alexis as well as its Monmouth sites this summer. Check out the flyer to get all the details! Thank you JCC for thinking of the United community! #BeUnited
Prairie Radio Communications will be broadcasting an "audio" graduation ceremony celebrating the UHS class of 2020 on Friday May 15 at 3PM Tell everyone to listen in, and then come celebrate our senior night lights at 8 PM at UHS- Drive thru style. #BeUnited
Meet the United High School Class of 2020! #BeUnited @Sandburg
Meet the United High School Class of 2020! #BeUnited @sandburg @illinois_alma @lakelandbuzz @ANG_Recruiting
Quick Turnaround - United Meal Distribution Order for Thursday May 14, 2020
Reminder that Monday May 18 will be our final distribution.
United High School Graduates 2020 #BeUnited #Quarinteens #Nevergonnagiveyouup
Meet the United High School Class of 2020! #BeUnited @sandburg @notredame
United Flags for sale - Garden style $20 - Pole style $40 - Call Kelley at 309.368.8116 to order while supplies last. #BeUnited
Meet the United High School Class of 2020! #BeUnited @sandburg @okstate @SLTC99?LANG=EN